Your Products in ProductDyno

ntroducing PRODUCTS

The Products Dashboard is sort of like your "catalog" of what you have to sell and give away - only you will see this.

There are 2 ways to use the products in this "catalog"

  1. Sell/Give Away as "standalone", individual item
  2. Add to a funnel -

    maybe a "free" lead magnet followed by a "paid for" funnel;

    or a "basic module" of a course and one or more "advanced" ones.

If you plan to use the first option - then you need to complete all the sections for the Product setup - including payment gateways, email integrations, customization, etc

If you plan on using the second option - then you need to complete only the the "Content" and the "Videos/File Hosting" (we'll come to this!).  This is because you will then "gather" these products into a Collection and complete the other sections in the Collection.

In this article: 

Create A Product Edit A Product Clone A Product Delete A Product

When you select PRODUCTS from the Main Menu you will see the list of products (if any) that you have already added to ProductDyno 

Products Dashboard

From this dashboard you

  1. Click here to create a new product "from scratch"
  2. Edit the name, description and featured image of an existing product
  3. Manage this product - jump straight to Manage Product
  4. Clone a product to create a new one with similar settings

Create New Product

Name your product and click CREATE

The next window will be Manage Product

Manage Product

You access this screen for each of your products.  This is where you actually set up and manage your product, its integrations and its members

Each of the following sections will be covered in it's own article.  Jump straight to the section you want or follow the link below for the next step in the Quick Start Guide:

( REMEMBER: If you are going to create a "funnel" only complete #1 - Domain & Access and #2- Manage Content AND Videos/File Hosting in #5 - Integrations)

  1. Domain & Access
  2. Manage Content
  3. Customize
  4. Payment Gateways
  5. Autoresponder Integrations
  6. Licensing
  7. Members

CLICK HERE for the next step in the Quick Start Guide - Product Domain & Access

Edit Product

This is where you can set up what your members are going to see for this product: a description and featured image.  You can also assign a tag to this product. By tagging your products you can, in effect, group them so that you can filter your search to this specific group.

For this example the customer will see this in his membership dashboard:

You also set the options for the "Powered By ProductDyno" link here.   Check out this article.

Clone Product

When you clone a product, all the sections within the products are copied across to the new product

If you click YES: the next screen will be the Manage Product Dashboard for the new product - here you can change the name of the new product:

The next window will be the Manage Product Dashboard

from where you proceed as for a new product.

Delete Product

When you delete a product, it will be removed from your dashboard and archived - just in case you made a mistake! Archived products are automatically deleted from the system after 60 days. Until an archived product is removed from the system, you cannot re-use any custom subdomain name you may have chosen. Should you wish to do that, just go to Archives and delete the product yourself

You will be asked to confirm the Delete request

If you click YES - the product will be Archived. 


  • Any resources you allocated to a product - payment gateway, DNS entry, etc - will still be "in use" until the product is removed from the Archives.  If you intend to reuse these articles, you need to delete the product from the Archives before you will be able to do so.
  • If you have added the product to a collection - it will still appear in the contents of that collection until you delete it from the Archives.  If you don't want to remove it from the archives just yet, you will need to manually delete it from any collections you have added it to.

To see your archived products, click on Archive on the Products dashboard

All archived products will be shown with the option to restore or delete from the system

Clicking either Restore or Delete will result in an "Are You Sure" popup.  So you can confirm or change your mind

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