Problems downloading and extracting zip files

If you are experiencing problems with accessing your downloads of our PLR products, it appears that the issue lies with downloading and unzipping the PLR files. We have double checked on our end and some unzip apps give the invalid error while others work fine. So

+ For downloading : many files are large (100MB-400MB) so could time out depending on the connection
+ Unzipping: Some unzip software don't work for some reason so please try this: after the file finishes downloading, don't click straight on it but go to the folder where it is located, right click and select "open with" then select the unzip software. If your default unzip program still gives an error, please try a different app:

The following are free
For mac: try
for window: or winrar

In our case the unarchiver for mac and window default's file explorer opened the files with no problem 

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