Woocommerce Integration via API

You can follow the guide in ProductDyno Developers Guide

When you use a Post Command to add a user, you will need to make sure there is no extra space in the given API call data - any extra space characters will cause issues. 

Use the ‘Delete Member’ API method to delete a member from a Product or Collection. 

If you want to revoke specific product access from a member of a Collection, then you can use the ‘Update Member’ API method.  You can use the ‘Get Member’ API to get the member's active ‘payment_gateway_ids.’ After getting the response, you can call the ‘Update Member’ API - excluding the Payment Gateway ID for the product that the member refunded/canceled. This way, the member will only have access to products associated with the given ‘payment_gateway_ids.’  Access will be removed from any products NOT included in the Update Member call

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