Email Customer Logins for Upsell/Cross-sell in Collections

In a Collection, you have an additional menu item - Upsell/Cross-sell.  Normally when a customer purchases a second or subsequent product in a collection - no email is sent notifying of the login credentials - since they are the same as the customer is already using.  However, since this may cause confusion, you can instruct ProductDyno to send out a new "Welcome" email.

If you turn this feature on, you have the opportunity to compose the email of your choice to be sent to the customer.

NOTE: The password will not be visible because it is not a welcome email, the member is getting this upsell email because he/she is already a member of the Collection and can use the existing password which was sent in the welcome email to login.  You might want to update the email text and replace stars with the text “{YOUR EXISTING PASSWORD}”

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